this just makes it all really tricky, right? it s all in the eye of the beholder is what it seems like. it is. and this type of crime, erin, is different than other types of crime. that s what makes it complicated. if you and i go rob a bank or steal a car, they don t really care about how we feel about it. they just record our actions and prosecute for it. when you start talking about self-defense, there s often no dispute about what happened. the question is why it happened. so a jury or a judge is looking into the soul of the accused and saying, did this person have some really pressing fear? did they have some reason to be in a panic over the notion that they might be killed? and does that affect the details of this case. that s why this can be so unsatisfying to people. i ll tell you, erin, when you look at the details of the cases and you look at all of that, many of these cases that look similar to the zimmerman case at first blush in the details are really very different. t
toxicology results that could say tell them more since there are no obvious signs of trauma. erin? susan candiotti, thank you very much. that case taking a whole new bizarre turn. a major admission by the obama administration today. the deputy secretary of defense, ashton carter, has admitted he admitted, there he is on the left there major mistakes by the government made it possible for edward snowden to access top secret information. snowden, of course, has exposed some of the nsa s most classified programs. he shed light on a secret court that lets the government do some of its most controversial work. joe johns has this out front investigation. reporter: it is one the most secretive places in america. a federal court that allows the government to conduct surveillance on you.
understand trayvon martin s parents anguish. but i am the mother of two black boys who are now young men who have been profiled, who have been harassed, i get that. to lose a child, i can t even begin to understand what that pain must be like, and my heart bleeds for them. but having said that, what is appropriate for this matter is for the department of justice to conduct an investigation, and the last thing, i think kelly and erin, you would both agree, the last thing we would want to happen is for them to be undue political pressure for the department to file a federal case in this matter and it not be supported by the investigation. that would be ho rehn drrendous. we want it to be filed if there s an active investigation, and the attorney general has seen this as appropriate. kelly, one more question. i want to ask you whether you think the president is being political. of course. he s been criticized for being a guy who cares a lot about polls. people are angry at him. they
polls. when you look at that famous incident, the arrest of the harvard professor, henry louis gates jr., you remember the whole beer garden, right? they had the beer. the response to that was not good. his approval rating fell from 61% to 54% after that and among white americans from 53% to 46%. is he looking at those polls and saying i don t want to go there on the black issue. in a word, yes, and that s what we re frustrated about. i actually agree with judge hatch hatchett more than we disagree. i think it s not his job to weigh in on the legalities of this case. what a lot of us are waiting for is for him to demonstrate the same compassion that judge hatchett did, saying i as a black american relate to the fact that a lot of parents, who just like me as a black parent, are fearful for their children s lives who are walking down the street.
basically is the wrong path to take. although the chairman, chairman bernanke, won t say it out loud to congress, basically, i think he s of the same persuasion. bill gross, thank you very much. we appreciate your perspective tonight. on a night like tonight, we need it with that breaking headline out of detroit. still to come, the shocking development in the whitey bulger case. a potential key witness found dead today. plus the latest from the school lunch poisoning. the school s principal now is on the run. and trayvon martin s family speaking out today for the first time since the verdict. we ll hear their reaction to what happened to george zimmerman. later in the show, looking for an incentive to lose weight? how about gold bars? not chocolate gold bars, gold bars. i m part of an american success story,