tonight part one of that conversation which is about afghanistan. the united states should also have learned that no policy that is based on a misunderstanding of the facts or wishful thinking is likely to succeed. and there are a whole series of assumptions built into this transition policy about the ability of the afghan national arm about the degradation of the taliban and the ability of afghan political lead yooers to fashion a fair transition of power from karzai who-to-whoever comes after. all of these assumptions look quite shaky and you don t want to ask american men and women to make the ultimate sacrifice if you re not willing to confront the facts head on and think honestly about where they may lead you. rose: we conclude with kathy freston, a well-known vegan, her book is called the lean, a revolutionary and simple plan for lasting weight loss. i want to enjoy my life, celebrate food and have things i grew up loving with my family, with my friends. so for me
power. tonight part one of that conversation which is about afghanistan. the united states should also have learned that no policy that is based on a misunderstanding of the facts or wishful thinking is likely to succeed. and there are a whole series of assumptions built into this transition policy about the ability of the afghan national arm about the degradation of the taliban and the ability of afghan political lead yooers to fashion a fair transition of power from karzai who-to-whoever comes after. all of these assumptions look quite shaky and you don t want to ask american men and women to make the ultimate sacrifice if you re not willing to confront the facts head on and think honestly about where they may lead you. rose: we conclude with kathy freston, a well-known vegan, her book is called the lean, a revolutionary and simple plan for lasting weight loss. i want to enjoy my life, celebrate food and have things i grew up loving with my family, with my friends. s
arm about the degradation of the taliban and the ability of afghan political lead yooers to fashion a fair transition of power from karzai who-to-whoever comes after. all of these assumptions look quite shaky and you don t want to ask american men and women to make the ultimate sacrifice if you re not willing to confront the facts head on and think honestly about where they may lead you. rose: we conclude with kathy freston, a well-known vegan, her book is called the lean, a revolutionary and simple plan for lasting weight loss. i want to enjoy my life, celebrate food and have things i grew up loving with my family, with my friends. so for me i think the best thing that has worked and i think it s translated to other people is that if we set our intention to move toward health sand we lean into it and take steps in the direction of eating better what happens is that we start a momentum by these tiny little things because we can do things that are not difficult and those
peaking tapt september 11 attacks. rose: also this evening, steve coll, the reporter who has covered afghanistan extensively has a new book called private empire: exxonmobil and american power. tonight part one of that conversation which is about afghanistan. the united states should also have learned that no policy that is based on a misunderstanding of the facts or wishful thinking is likely to succeed. and there are a whole series of assumptions built intohis trsition policabout the ability of thefghan national arm about the degradation of the taliban and the ability of afghan political lead yooers to fashion a fair transition of power from karzai who-to-whoever comes after. all of these assumptions look quite shaky and you don t want to ask american men and women to make the ultimate sacrifice if you re not willing to confront the facts head on and think honestly about where they may lead you. rose: we conclude wh kay freston, a well-known vegan, her book is calle
arm about the degradation of the taliban and the ability of afghan political lead yooers to fashion a fair transition of power from karzai who-to-whoever comes after. all of these assumptions look quite shaky and you don t want to ask american men and women to make the ultimate sacrifice if you re not willing to confront the facts head on and think honestly about where they may lead you. rose: we conclude with kathy freston, a well-known vegan, her book is called the lean, a revolutionary and simple plan for lasting weight loss. i want to enjoy my life, celebrate food and have things i grew up loving with my family, with my friends. so for me i think the best thing that has worked and i think it s translated to other people is that if we set our intention to move toward health sand we lean into it and take steps in the direction of eating better what happens is that we start a momentum by these tiny little things because we can do things that are not difficult and those