/PRNewswire/ The latest report on the loan servicing software market, 2023-2027 estimates to register an incremental growth of by USD 2130.07 million, at a.
/PRNewswire/ The commercial aviation crew management systems market size is forecast to increase by USD 1,190.9 million from 2022 to 2027. However, the.
/PRNewswire/ The Loan Servicing Software Market by Application, Deployment, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027 report has been published by.
10 high-tech solutions to make construction smart and safe
Innovation-focused multinationals look to Israel to put more intelligence into the industry processes.
Buildots uses wearable technology to turn a construction site into a digitized environment. Photo courtesy of Buildots
Israelis often joke that the crane is our national bird because the horizon of this young and growing country is dominated by construction cranes.
Many construction projects drag on for years, causing cost overruns and traffic snarls. Now, Israeli innovators aim to help the construction industry improve safety, productivity and efficiency.
“TLV ConTech & PropTech 2020,” held in November, presented 35 Israeli construction and real-estate technology companies to some 1,000 participants around the world.