Religion and Science Weekend, sponsored by the Clergy Letter Project, will be February 9-11, 2024. Let's ask the scientists in our congregations to stand up to tell us what they do and why their work contributes to the common good. Religion and Science Weekend Feb 9-11, 2024
This week hundreds of consecrated persons from around the world are meeting at the Vatican to discuss the upcoming Jubilee of Hope amid a crisis in religious life due to falling numbers and several high-profile scandals.
What does "public" mean in "public systematic theology? According to Michael Agerbo Morch,the use of “public” is a reference to the criterion of intersubjectivity. Theology must be discussed in a language that is understandable and accessible to non-theologians. Public systematic theology is intersubjective
In Ad Theologiam Promovendam of November 2023 ,Pope Francis opened the Vatican windows for the winds of contextual theology to blow through. Will the gusts from ecumenical and interreligious whirlwinds as well as the tornadoes from natural science blow the pages of inherited dogma off desk theology? Pope Francis invites contextual theology