Public Release: 31-Aug-2015 New type of prion may cause, transmit neurodegeneration Multiple System Atrophy is described as first new human prion disease identified in 50 years University of California - San Francisco Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), a neurodegenerative disorder with similarities to Parkinson's disease, is caused by a newly discovered type of prion, akin…
- Presentations Convey Novel Approach for Improving Diagnostic Accuracy and Tracking Disease Severity in MSA - - Data Presented at the International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement.
Alterity Therapeutics Rare Disease Natural History Study to be Featured at the International Congress of Parkinson s Disease and Movement Disorders August 22,.
Presentations Highlight New Data on Diagnostic Accuracy and Novel Biomarkers of Disease Severity in Multiple System AtrophyMELBOURNE, Australia and SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 22, 2023 Alterity.