past. and what he has done is that in 2008 he invaded a sovereign nation in 2008 he invaded a sovereign nation of in 2008 he invaded a sovereign nation of georgia and the western worlds nation of georgia and the western world s collective response was the proverbial world s collective response was the proverbial shrug. in 2014 he invaded ukraine proverbial shrug. in 2014 he invaded ukraine the proverbial shrug. in 2014 he invaded ukraine the first time and again in the west. ukraine the first time and again in the west, some sanctions which were reiativeiy the west, some sanctions which were relatively soft, but ultimately did not do relatively soft, but ultimately did not do a relatively soft, but ultimately did not do a whole lot. then he sent his troops not do a whole lot. then he sent his troops into not do a whole lot. then he sent his troops into support dictators in belarus troops into support dictators in belarus and kazakhstan and again the rest did bel