What was that I was saying in my February round-up about an apparent dearth of post-Christmas releases? I’ve been truly hoist by my own petard, because there’s now such a rich variety of singles arriving from all over the world that I’ve been positively inundated. It’s quality stuff, too; nothing destined for the landfill site.. <a class="view-article" href="https://soundsandcolours.com/subjects/music/prezident-markons-singles-round-up-sessa-daniel-villareal-the-bongo-hop-spinettango-trio-bruxo-pahua-and-more-65736/">Read Article</a>
Film festivals now are deciding whether to continue in-person or to continue virtually, the strategy for reaching audiences for the past two years. In this
It’s your usual eclectic mix of Latin American music here, starting with a new addition to the Brazilian carnival repertoire, and passing through US-Mexico border music, Yma Sumac-aping folktronica, Brazilian-Belgian smooth jazz, math rock meets Violeta Parra, alluring Peruvian electro-acoustic compositions, and much more besides. Ava Rocha feat. Saskia and Iara Rennó “Papais Panacas” If. <a class="view-article" href="https://soundsandcolours.com/subjects/music/on-our-radar-ava-rocha-punku-bostich-tapioca-buh-records-phuyu-y-la-fantasma-and-more-64678/">Read Article</a>