Trials have begun in London for the next generation of COVID-19 vaccines with the first dose for a new nasal vaccine being developed by the U.S. company Codagenix.
Green light for UK trial of nasal coronavirus vaccine
15th December 2020
Open Orphan and Codagenix have received approval from the UK’s independent Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to conduct a Phase I study of its COVID-19 vaccine.
The study will assess the safety and immunogenicity of a single-dose nasal vaccine candidate COVI-VAC in 48 healthy young adult volunteers.
COVI-VAC uses the entire virus in a weakened form, and so has the potential to induce broad antibody, cellular and mucosal immunity with a single intra-nasal dose.
According to Open Orphan, it could be one of the first vaccines to provide long-term immunity from COVID-19.