Published: 15 March 2021
SABA: -The polling station at the Fire Station in The Bottom opened on Monday morning. Eligible Sabans, 907 persons in total, can cast their vote for the Second Chamber elections at this location on Monday, March 15, Tuesday, March 16, and Wednesday, March 17. On Wednesday, the second polling station will open at the Eugenius Johnson Center in the Windwardside. Voting is from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm.
Island Governor Jonathan Johnson on Monday morning visited the polling station in The Bottom where he spoke with a small group of form 4 and 5 students of the Saba Comprehensive School who are observing the Second Chamber elections on all three voting days as part of their Social Studies class.
Published: 15 March 2021
PHILIPSBURG: - The Parliament of St. Maarten s recent petition to the United Nations regarding racial bias on the islands of the former Netherlands Antilles has come under great scrutiny by varying members of the public. As a matter of fact, the topic of decolonization seems to have caused a lot of anxiety, as well as, confusion amongst the general public which is quite understandable. When discussing and analyzing decolonization, it is imperative to focus on the facts presented by the United Nations, the United Nations Charter, and the Kingdom Charter.
What Then Is Decolonization?
In his letter of September 15, 2015, to the Dutch Prime Minister, Marcel Gumbs, along with the Prime Ministers of Aruba and Curacao recalled that the United Nations had great doubts about whether or not the Kingdom Charter had really brought about decolonization. They pointed to the danger that the UN observed in the ability of the Governor to violate the i
Published: 12 March 2021
CAY HILL: - in an effort to increase the safety of staff, visitors, and all pedestrians, St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has facilitated the installation of two pedestrian crossings on the Welgelegen Road.
Due to the construction of the new St. Maarten General Hospital (SMGH) and several essential upgrades to the existing hospital such as the construction of an MRI Suite, an Operating Room Complex and five (5) new double patient rooms, parking facilities on-premise are not sufficient.
As such, patients are allowed to make use of the parking facilities (first three rows of the unpaved section) at the Belair Community Center.
Published: 12 March 2021
PHILIPSBURG: - As of March 12th, there were four (4) persons who tested positive for COVID-19; however six (6) persons have recovered; bringing the total active cases to fourteen (14). The total number of confirmed cases is now two thousand and eighty-two (2082).
The Collective Prevention Services (CPS) are monitoring twelve (12) people in home isolation. Two (2) patients remain hospitalized at the St. Maarten Medical Center. The total number of deaths due to COVID-19 remains at twenty-seven (27).
The number of people recovered since the first case surfaced on St. Maarten has increased to two thousand and forty-one (2041). Seventeen (17) people are in quarantine based on contact tracing investigations carried out by CPS.
Published: 11 March 2021
POINTE BLANCHE: - The Caribbean region as the largest cruise destination of the industry is still waiting for the resumption of the cruise, and this would also include Port St. Maarten as one of the primary ports of call in the northeastern Caribbean.
Friday, March 12 marks one year since the last commercial cruise call to Port St. Maarten due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“No one initially thought that the cruise business would have been interrupted beyond a year. We have taken the time during the pandemic to further strengthen our internal compliance protocols and procedures and business resumption planning, thereby becoming more resilient, and proactive while remaining connected with our local and international stakeholders as we look forward to rebounding stronger when the resumption of cruise tourism sets sail,” Port St. Maarten Management said on Thursday.