The partners were awarded a grant under the UK–Switzerland Bilateral: Collaborative R&D program to develop an AI-enabled stroke diagnosis and treatment platform.
Like in many industries, there’s an acute shortage of security guards. This means guards still on the job have to pull extra hours and are more likely to Like in many industries, there’s an acute shortage of security guards. This means guards still on the job have to pull extra hours and are more likely to make mistakes because of fatigue. Ascento is stepping into the gap with autonomous security patrolling robots called Ascento Guards. Distinguished by their wheel-leg design that can cover a variety of terrain, Ascent’s security patrolling robots are currently deployed on large industrial sites and perform repetitive tasks like perimeter checks, sending alerts to human security guards when needed. The company says that they have covered 3,000 kilometers for outdoor security since early this year.
Successfully completed GLP toxicology studies for lead program GT-02287 in GBA1 Parkinson’s diseaseCompany is on track to submit application for start of Phase 1 clinical trial of GT-02287 to. | May 12, 2023