ladies and gentlemen one, two, three, four! well she was just 17, you know what i mean the beatles showed up with their great sense of humor, their completely infectious pop songs, everything. it was just impossible not to fall in love with them. as soon as they started playing on the ed sullivan show, we all knew, they re playing live, because that doesn t sound like the record. the idea of driving, swinging arm beat mixed with imaginative word play and lyrics and harmonies.
well she was just 17, you know what i mean the beatles showed up with their great sense of humor, their completely infectious pop songs, everything. it was just impossible not to fall in love with them. as soon as they started playing on the ed sullivan show, we all knew, they re playing live, because that doesn t sound like the record. the idea of driving, swinging arm beat mixed with imaginative word play and lyrics and harmonies. the perfect three-minute record, they defined it. the beatles took this dream of what america represented, the freedom that was in american music, and they brought it back
well she was just 17, you know what i mean the beatles showed up with their great sense of humor, their completely infectious pop songs, everything. it was just impossible not to fall in love with them. as soon as they started playing on the ed sullivan show, we all knew, they re playing live, because that doesn t sound like the record. the idea of driving, swinging arm beat mixed with imaginative word play and lyrics and harmonies. the perfect three-minute record, they defined it. the beatles took this dream of what america represented, the freedom that was in american
well, she was just 17, you know what i mean the beatles showed up with their great sense of humor, their completely infectious pop songs, everything. it was just impossible not to fall in love with them. as soon as they started playing on the ed sullivan show, we all knew, they re playing live, because that doesn t sound like the record. the idea of driving, swinging arm beat mixed with imaginative word play and lyrics and harmonies. the perfect three-minute record, they defined it. the beatles took this dream of what america represented, the