john fetterman. he s the state lieutenant governor. he scast his ballot from his hospital room before under going surgery to implant a pacemaker. fetterman suffered a stroke last week. scandal plagued congress madison cawthorne suffers defeat despite a last minute lifeline from the tomformer president. i ve got it pulled up. tchs the biggest race going into the nigh and it s the biggest race we don t have called coming out of the night. this is a .2% difference. this important thing the know with oz ahead, i always say, you d rather ahead than behind. david mccormick has to get 2500 plus votes and oz gets zero. it can happen statewide. a lot of ballots still counted. you have ballots being counted when the margin is this small. they will be running against john fetterman. i m a little surprised that this. connor lamb was a rising star. 26% running as a moderate. i think people underestimate fetterman, the lieutenant governor. i don t think they should do that. he won over
we re also watching another race. a controversial backed and trump candidate has won. tell us about the implications of this. i think this is an undertold story. he s a state senator. this is someone who five years ago in the republican party, ten years ago would be considered a fringe or extremist candidate. now he s the republican nominee for governor in one of the swing e iest states. he s held hearings to investigate supposed fraud in the 2020 election in pennsylvania. this is one of the leading deniers of elections in swing states. it s how he got donald trump s attention and donald trump endorsed him last week. what does the mean when you have doug as the nominee? this is really good illustration. this is based on predicted.