From AmericanWireNews: "A Jewish high school teacher in Queens was terrorized by a mob of left-wing students who reacted with outrage after she attended a pro-Israel rally last weekend, a terrifying incident that left her badly shaken. The target of the radicalized kids was forced to hide for over two hours in a locked office as the halls at Hillcrest High School were taken over by hundreds of young people incensed over her posting of support for the Jewish democracy to her Facebook page.
Russia recently added longtime neighbor Norway to the Russian list of Unfriendly States The addition of ancient friendly neighbor Norway increases the number of official Unfriendly States to 49 Most nations on the list wonder why they are considered u
Russia recently added longtime neighbor Norway to the Russian list of Unfriendly States The addition of ancient friendly neighbor Norway increases the number of official Unfriendly States to 49 Most nations on the list wonder why they are considered u