SBAB Bank AB (publ): SBAB Year-end report 2020
DJ SBAB Bank AB (publ): SBAB Year-end report 2020
Press release 11 February 2021
SBAB Year-end report 2020
SBAB s Year-end Report 2020 is now available for download on
Q4 2020 (Q3 2020) - Strong growth in total lending, which increased 2.5% to SEK 422.8 billion (412.3). Total deposits increased 1.3% to SEK 135.7 billion (133.9). - Net interest income grew 6.9% to SEK 1,010 million (945). - Operating profit decreased 2.7% to SEK 619 million (636). - Expenses grew to SEK 402 million (310), of which SEK 67 million derived from a write-down of tangible and intangible assets. - Net credit losses amounted to a recovery of SEK 2 million (recovery: 4). - According to Swedish Quality Index (Svenskt Kvalitetsindex, SKI), SBAB had the most satisfied customers in Sweden
Sweden’s online gambling ops fret as gov’t urged to further clip their wings
Sweden’s online gambling ops fret as gov’t urged to further clip their wings
Sweden’s online gambling operators are pushing back against a government report that advocates for a raft of new restrictions on their locally licensed sites.
On Monday, Sweden’s Ministry of Finance issued a voluminous Gambling Market Inquiry report (English summary starts on page 27), which was commissioned in 2018, ahead of the 2019 launch of the country’s regulated online gambling market. Special investigator
Anna-Lena Sörenson, a former Swedish MP, was tasked with overseeing the inquiry.