Police have arrested the president of Noakhali Jubo Dal, an associate body of BNP, from Rangamati in connection with the incidents of vandalism, murder and attacks on Hindu community during the Durga Puja celebrations at Chowmuhani in Noakhali's Begumganj upazila.
Police have filed a case against some 1,600 BNP leaders and activists over Tuesday’s clash between the party men and law enforcers in the capital’s Nayapaltan.
The involvement of BNP leader Barkat Ullah Bulu and 14 others has come up while recording a statement in court, in connection with the attack on Hindu temples, puja mandaps, shops, and houses in Choumohani of Begumganj in Noakhali.
Police have arrested 11 more people, including leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami and opposition BNP, in connection with the incidents of vandalism, murder and attacks on Hindu community in Noakhali’s Chowmuhani.
Clash with Cops: 300 BNP men sued, 13 placed on remand
The progressive students’ alliance at a rally on the capital’s Abdul Gani road, after holding one in front of the home ministry, to protest the death of writer Mushtaque Ahmed, who was in jail under the Digital Security Act. Photo: Star Staff Correspondent Staff Correspondent
Police yesterday filed a case against nearly 300 leaders and activists of BNP and its associated bodies over Sunday s clashes in front of the Jaitya Press Club during a protest over the death of writer Mushtaq Ahmed in custody.
Sub-Inspector Palash Saha filed the case with Shahbagh Police Station on charges of attempted murder of policemen, assault on police and carrying out vandalism, said Harunur Rashid, additional deputy commissioner (Ramna Zone) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.