going? well, here are pictureshose of a quarantine camp in china. tha the child you just sawyo mayu t there nowe many thousands ofen chinese citizens are at this camp. mattresses are strewn on the floor of cells. there ss no water.one there s just one toilet. just days ago the inmates you see here, we re living ordinaryt lives in their own homes now they re in prison. what happenedhe? pe the lives they left behind. what happened to the dogs and catsca they left at home? well, chances are chinese c police beathi those dogs and cas to death on the street. that s happening tonight allss over shanghai, a mass slaughter of pets and we didn t even toe. show this to you.nd we t it s too horrible, butho it s also real and we thought you should know the kovik prevention worker was caught on camera bashing to death a pet corgi. apparently this happened after the pets owner had tested reportedly positive for covid-19 and taken away to c
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civilization. you talk candidates how to be a candidate. b to be honest. a lot of candidates frankly were not very skilled and i m saying that very diplomatically. but you started there with ideas. it became a contract, a set of promises. i like the idea of signingyo your name, making a promise, fighting to keep itur and runnig as a united team. this is what we ll do. give us the ball.do we t want to do these things no. look, i believe in that you and i might not totally agree on timing. remember we didn t release it until late september and the reason was you don t quite knowe what the biggest issues are . ing to be by midsummer and so you want to have a contract that people can can . al with but the training program, the education, the thinking about that should go on from right now onward. i know that leader mccarthy, for example, has a whole number
were upset when florida did that becausese their view is you should only worry about vaccines, don t discuss treatment. r we t reject that because for the reason you said people are still getting infected even who ve goneh through vaccinations in fact that our vaccine sites, laura , it s usually 75 to 80% of the people that go in to get treatment have been vaccinated. many of them have gotten booster shots and yet they re still getting infected. and so this is not on the up and up here. and look in florida, we justti anticipate hostility from this administration and that s justci what they do. i they are much they are much more interested in picking political fights than they are of actually being there forar the people in our state that need this assistance. and governor, it s not just the covid issue, as i said,no that they re coming after aftert you forer the washington post reported that over the past six months florida s s t r home prices have risen faster than state. any other ac