Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said alongside the consecration of Shri Ram Lalla at Ayodhya Dham, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visionary efforts led to the construction of the first Hindu temple in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
A red carpet welcome awaits Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his two-day visit to his parliamentary constituency Varanasi on Thursday.
The district administration and Bharatiya Janata Party have geared up their preparations to make the prime minister’s visit a grand success. The BJP is more
On the second day of Kashiyatra-24, the three-day annual socio-cultural festival of IIT-BHU, artists dedicated their concert to the Ayodhya consecration. Join us for an enthralling performance and soul-stirring melodies.
Experience the grandeur of BHU's Kashiyatra-24, the 41st edition of the annual socio-cultural festival. Join 12,000 college students from across the country in a celebration of artistic talent through music, dance, theater, and more. Don't miss the captivating concert by Vishal and Shekhar!
IIT-BHU is set to host the 41st edition of its annual socio-cultural festival ‘Kashiyatra-2024’ from Jan 19 to 21. Over 12,000 students from 350 colleges will participate in the festival featuring various competitions and performances.