The first doctor is Chandra Adhikari, attached to Bolpur Sub-Division Hospital, who reportedly went to the residence of Mondal a day before the latter s arrest on Thursday morning and issued the 14-day bed rest advice on white paper. The CBI sleuths will question him about the details of the circumstances under which he issued that on paper medical advice, which violates all medical ethics.The
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probing the cattle smuggling case in West Bengal has now summoned two doctors attached to Bolpur Sub- Division Hospital in Birbhum district in connection with the 14-day bed rest medical advice, which .
The first doctor is Chandra Adhikari, attached to Bolpur Sub-Division Hospital, who reportedly went to the residence of Mondal a day before the latter s arrest on Thursday morning and issued the 14-day bed rest advice on white paper. The CBI sleuths will question him about the details of the circumstances under which he issued that on paper medical advice, which violates all medical ethics.The
New rule on admissions to hospitals creates more problems than solutions
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Volunteers during an awareness campaign on COVID-19 disease, as coronavirus cases surge in Nadia, Thursday, April 29, 202
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New rule on admissions to hospitals creates more problems than solutions
The number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in West Bengal continued to register a record high 89 patients died in the past 24 hours and the number of infections rose to 17,407.
Though the number of samples tested remained the same, there is a spike in the deaths. The State recorded 77 deaths on Wednesday and the number of samples tested positive was 17,207.
283 candidates in fray in 35 Assembly constituencies; 17,207 new cases reported
The COVID-19 situation in West Bengal is worsening with a steady rise in cases for more than 10 days now. The State on Wednesday registered a record 17,207 cases in the past 24 hours and 77 deaths. This is the highest number of infections and deaths recorded in the State since the outbreak of the pandemic. The numbers of daily infections are rising even as the number of tests has remained the same. The State has tested about 54,936 samples in the past 24 hours.
Kolkata recorded highest daily cases at 3,821 and 22 deaths. North 24 Parganas, which is the second worst affected district, recorded 3,778 infections and 16 deaths. There were long queues outside State-run hospitals for the second dose of vaccines. The State government has issued guidelines for admission of patients in the State-run hospitals which would be routed through advisory cell of the Swastha Bhawan. A team of doctors managing the admis