we knew this year was going to be a lot about figuring out the details and how they were going to be applied in real-life situations, so we re witnessing this process, and we ll continue to gather details about how it will practically be applied. james, thank you. reporter: you bet. jon: we are continuing to follow the breaking developments out of alabama where police are negotiating with the gunman holding a 5-year-old boy hostage in an underground bunker. they re talking to jimmy lee dykes through a ventilation pipe. they say they can hear the child crying for his parents. police say dykes is showing no signs of ending the standoff which is now in its fourth day. elizabeth prann live in midland city, alabama for us. what are you seeing activity wise where you are, elizabeth? reporter: well, in just the past hour or two we ve seen an increase of activities. as you can see, the s.w.a.p. members over my shoulder going up that dirt road. the suspect s property is slightly behind thos