Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions and night work on the Pacific Highway and local roads from Monday for the Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade
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Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions on the Pacific Highway and local roads from Monday 15 to Sunday 21 February for the Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade, weather permitting.
From Monday, there will be up to six days of work on the Pacific Highway between the new bridge over the Richmond River at Broadwater and Devils Pulpit to carry out property access and finishing work, including landscaping maintenance, fencing and survey work.
Motorists can expect lane closures, traffic control and a reduced speed limit of 60km/h at times between 6am and 6pm.
Also from Monday, there will be up to four days of work on the Pacific Highway between Tyndale and Glenugie to carry out landscape maintenance.