who is currently collecting a paycheck as arizona secretary of statellecting a, has only sho work a grand total of 19 days in the last six months. wish i i wish i had that job. e she didn t even enter office for the entire month of april and august. meanwhile, hobbs is not exactly out there working hardile schwae l on the campaign trail either.sha she has participated and this sr working citizeo you. the hard working citizens, taxpayers of this state ofo arizona. zero debates she refuses toin debate in both the primaryelectn and the general election. . hobbs would rather hide in her basement bunker just like her mentor, joe biden. y bide it s probably asleep during the show anyway. lake, meanwhile, has offered to debate any place, any time,. anywhere. hobbs can t seem to mustert m up the courage to take a look. th why have you refused tocoura. debate your opponent?deba shtee wants to go head to head,u toe to toe with you, with thenet moderator. like it is honestly ridic
independent human being gets to live or die. it s disgusting. yeah o live o, that s sick. and her voting record proves it. if you don t believe me, look a presentee voting record and her voting record shows when it bill was presented to her to vote on to save a baby who who would survive abortion, to give them life, to get thative baby treatment. baby treatment. svoted no. she d rather the baby die in a cold metal tray. and this is what we re dealing with here. she says she s for tax cuts in as more ,but 13 times she had ans opportunity to cut taxes and and she did not. how does she say that? with a straight face? i don t know. t know. i don t know how she says. well, she says a lot of us is. that s how she does. she does have a that s how she answers questions, john . she couldn t even answer a simple question. how is your relationship with the hispanic american community? question hows your relation with the yeah.sh ame the thingri is , nobody s asking her these questi