In today's Morning Brief, the supposed front-runners in the the last two Conservative leadership race stumbled before reaching the finish line. This time, however, the front-runner is only showing signs of gaining ground.
One system ruffled up the chess world in the last decade - the London System. Svitlana couldn't stay away from this system either, and it is now a part of her repertoire. How to play it? What to take care of? Time for some smart moves!
Last week, the Canadian WIM spoke about the isolated pawn in depth. In this episode, she talks about the hanging pawns, which evenly often occur in similar openings. The dynamic is different, and Svitlana lets us play with both sides again, fighting with, and against the hanging pawns, trying to find the best moves.
In some openings, having the isolated pawn is the path to continue to middle-, and endgames. But do you know the technique on how to play with an isolated pawn, or against it? Svitlana has the knowledge, of course, and is happy to share it with us.
International Women's Day calls for something out of the ordinary. How about watching some games of the world's best player Judit Polgar. Not only has she played at the highest level of chess for a long time, but she is also Svitlana's favourite player!