11/10/2022 - The industry section of Mirages includes a series of discussions, master classes and presentations, and aims to establish a meeting place in Oslo for the local and international industry
04/04/2022 - Nataša Urban's CPH:DOX-winning film is a multi-layered exploration of collective and personal memory and responsibility with a remarkable stylistic approach
05/04/2022 - We talked with the filmmaker about her documentary, which uses different film formats and her father's journals to retrace the events of Serbia's recent past
05/04/2022 - We talked with the filmmaker about her documentary, which uses different film formats and her father's journals to retrace the events of Serbia's recent past
04/04/2022 - Nataša Urban's CPH:DOX-winning film is a multi-layered exploration of collective and personal memory and responsibility with a remarkable stylistic approach