18.6.2023 21:18:38 CEST | Seabird Exploration Plc | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state
Pafos, Cyprus - 18 June 2023 – Seabird Exploration. | June 18, 2023
Green Energy Group (SBX Plc) has a long-term incentive program key to attract and retain key employees. Awards under the program are expiring. The Board.
Green Energy Group (SBX Plc) has a long-term incentive program key to attract and retain key employees. Awards under the program are expiring. The Board.
The Company's Director of M&A, Mr Sveinung Alvestad, has today purchased 40,000 shares in Green Energy Group (Seabird Exploration Plc) at a price of.