Recently, a Thai netizen shared a video from an American TikTok content creator named Jessica, who wanted to warn parents of the dangers in posting videos of their children on social media platforms.
Last week, the hashtag #UrboyTJ appeared on Twitter after famous rapper Jirayut "Urboy TJ" Paloprakarn disappeared. Music fans and his friends were worried because he vanished after he posted on social media that he suffered from depression, was bipolar and was burnt out. In that post, Jirayut believed that nobody listened to him. It is possible he may have harmed himself because his post said: "I did something that I should not have done, but it was not successful." Fortunately, he returned safely and decided to receive treatment at a hospital.
Due to negative impacts of pollution, many people are interested in sustainable development goals (SDG). As a result, many researchers and entrepreneurs have developed environmentally friendly materials which can be developed into eco-friendly products.
Australia is known for diversity and multiculturism. Through comics, 33 Australian artists express their creativity and identity at the exhibition titled "Australian Comics – Promoting Culture Through Visual Story Telling", which is on view at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC). In collaboration with the Australian embassy and curator Jakub Mazerant of IllustrateYourLife, this series of retrospectives showcases the best and most original comic art from Down Under.
Last week, an ongoing exhibition "Ni Tas Sa Kee" or "Free Pads For All" was launched at The Pheu Thai Party's headquarters on New Phetchaburi Road. On view until March 31, "Free Pads For All", which distributes free sanitary pads to women, is a pilot project that Pheu Thai wants to push for the government to make policy.