How can we know that God forgives all our sins? The promise to everyone who believes in Jesus is that every sin they’ve ever committed or will commit is forgiven.
Many Christians today begin to wonder what the Bible really says about homosexuality. Our intent here is to present how the Bible speaks on the very sensitive matter of homosexuality, not to be ammunition for divisive arguments.
What is the purpose of kneeling in prayer? Kneeling to pray is a way of speaking to yourself first, that you want to submit in obedience to the only authority that is good.
<p>Only in God will we find perfect wisdom. Almighty <a href=";+proverbs+3:19;+isaiah+28:29;+jeremiah+10:7;+daniel+2:20;+romans+11:33;+ephesians+1:17;+ephesians+3:10">God</a> is the source of all wisdom, and He <em>is</em> wisdom itself. The Bible says Jesus grew in wisdom as a human; and as the Son of God, Jesus became wisdom for us from the Father. The Holy Spirit is our wisdom teacher. </p>
<p>It is impossible to have wisdom apart from God. He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Yes, unbelievers can at times be given the common grace to stumble upon truths and even act rightly. But true biblical wisdom can only come through a right relationship with Christ. </p>