When absolutely, when hillary and i were come paining together in 1992, hurricane andrew came through. Just since hurricane andrew, the sea level in the waters around florida have gone up three inches since hurricane andrew. And every vertical inch of Sea Level Rise means four to eight feet of the water going inward, and the storm surge is on top of that. And, yes, there are now at high tide, sometimes ocean a fish from the ocean swimming in some of the streets of miami beach and delray and fort lauderdale, and the rainfall in carolinas, secretary mentioned what theyre still dealing with. They got 17 inches of rain because the warmer oceans not only make the wind speed much stronger than it has been in the past on average. But it also dumps all of that water on the land. And she mentioned the role it plays in health. Just yesterday there were six more cases of zika virus announced in dade county, and the Public Health guard is doing a great job in wrestling with it. And these tropical
Questions will be asked by the maine public key Political Correspondent and a portland rest reporter, another po overton. The four candidates for governor are governor janet mills, a democrat elected in 2018. She served as maine attorney general and District Attorney for androscoggin, franklin and anderson counties. Paul lepage was elected in 2010 and served two terms as governor. Before elected governor, he served as the mayor of waterville. Sam hunkler, an independent, has never served in political office. He is a family physician and served in the peace corps. This debate will last approximately an hour and a half. In the interest of fairness, we will rotate which candidate answers first. We will be addressing topics that you the voters have told us are most important to you. Each candidate has one minute to answer question posed by reporters. When reporters ask a followup question, candidates have 30 seconds to answer. When a candidate needs to get a rebuttal, we allow 30 seconds f
Of the newspapers and maine public. Questions will be asked by the maine public key Political Correspondent and a portland rest reporter, another po overton. The four candidates for governor are governor janet mills, a democrat elected in 2018. She served as maine attorney general and District Attorney for androscoggin, franklin and anderson counties. Paul lepage was elected in 2010 and served two terms as governor. Before elected governor, he served as the mayor of waterville. Sam hunkler, an independent, has never served in political office. He is a family physician and served in the peace corps. This debate will last approximately an hour and a half. In the interest of fairness, we will rotate which candidate answers first. We will be addressing topics that you the voters have told us are most important to you. Each candidate has one minute to answer question posed by reporters. When reporters ask a followup question, candidates have 30 seconds to answer. When a candidate needs to g
Opioid epidemic. She is seeking her fifth term as maines government. Welcome to this debate between candidates for governor of maine. We are coming to you live from the beautiful Franco Center in lewiston. Maine public is presenting tonights debate in partnership with the lewiston sun journal and Portland Pressherald and many questions come from you readers, listeners and viewers of the newspapers and maine public. Questions will be asked by the maine public key Political Correspondent and a portland rest reporter, another po overton. The four candidates for governor are governor janet mills, a democrat elected in 2018. She served as maine attorney general and District Attorney for androscoggin, franklin and anderson counties. Paul lepage was elected in 2010 and served two terms as governor. Before elected governor, he served as the mayor of waterville. Sam hunkler, an independent, has never served in political office. He is a family physician and served in the peace corps. This debate
A modern city like many others but theres one big difference its located in the middle of a desert in one Nine Hundred Fifty the population was barely One Hundred Thousand then the age of Air Conditioning gone the electricity to power this convenience was supplied by coal plants suddenly it became possible to live under the Blazing Sun The Population skyrocketed today phoenix is home to one point six million and is the fifth largest city in the United States thomas basso moved here more than twenty years ago. Despite the climate he can enjoy his hobby all year round golf One Hundred And Eighty Four golf courses have sprung up here in the desert and. I live in st louis at the time and every winter id put the clubs or couldnt play golf. The good things. Live in phoenix is that you can get up in the morning i got a day like today harry are in april and its sixty eight degrees sixty nine degrees fahrenheit you can come out and enjoy a beautiful round of golf in a beautiful breeze and you g