Theresa Hitchens on June 04, 2021 at 12:43 PM
CHPS lunar patrol satellite, AFRL graphic
WASHINGTON: The Space Force is asking Congress for $832 million in extra funds for 2022, including $279 million in unspecified classified programs and $113 million in funds for new types of missions such as deep space surveillance and tactical ISR for the Air Force.
The unfunded priorities list, obtained by Breaking Defense, was released to Congress today later than those of the other services which were released on the heels of last Friday’s defense budget drop. The Space Force’s official budget request totaled $17.4 billion: $11.3 billion (65%) in research, development, test and evaluation (RTD&E); $2.8 billion in procurement (16%); and $3.4 billion in operations and maintenance (19%). The big ticket items included $1.3 billion in procurement of five National Security Space Launch Vehicles and $2.4 billion in RTD&E for the Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared (Next-Ge