A Look Back: From the Gazette Archives
200 Years Ago
■Nathaniel Fowle has just received and for sale next door to the post office in Northampton, a good assortment of watches and jewelry. Watches of all kinds carefully repaired and warranted.
■Strayed from the Northampton Meadows in Nov. last, two red steers, about two years old, marked with a half-penny cut underside the off ear, and a slit at the end. Whoever has got said steers and will give information to the subscriber, shall be rewarded. Enen’s Phelps, Northampton.
100 Years Ago
■Governor Coolidge, who was expected to be present at the celebration of the Pilgrim tercentenary in John M. Greene Hall tomorrow evening, has sent word that he will be unable to attend because of a previous engagement at a similar celebration in Plymouth.