Heard on Main Street: If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague. Some of us are slow learners. Feb. 22 will always be Washington’s Birthday to me. I love knowing that Dr. James Richardson III and Richard Burt have published a fascinating new book with the Martha’s Vineyard Museum called […]
The Mansion House Inn paid $21,400 for illegally pumping an estimated 15,000 to 25,000 gallons of groundwater per day into the town’s wastewater treatment plant. Under a public records request, the town released the letter requesting the payment and a check from Sherman Goldstein, owner of the Mansion House, making the payment. Both the demand […]
The Martha s Vineyard Times
âCorruption at its highest levelâ
Report on Mansion House illegal hookup preceded firing of town employee who blew the whistle.
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Several people said select board member Jeff Kristal applied pressure to keep the Mansion House issues quiet. Kristal did not respond to multiple messages seeking comment. â Gabrielle Mannino
Josh Goldstein, co-owner of the Mansion House, has declined to answer specific questions about the illegal hookup found in his hotel basement. â Gabrielle Mannino
An excavator digs a new leaching pit at Mansion House last week. â Rich Saltzberg
Workers install a leaching field at Mansion House. â Rich Saltzberg