Speeding Up Ultrafast Spectroscopy
February 15, 2021•
Physics 14, 23
A signal-processing algorithm called compressive sensing lets researchers characterize a sample with ultrafast spectroscopy using far fewer measurements than before.
J.-M. Ménard/University of Ottawa; adapted by APS/Alan Stonebraker
Figure 1: Schematic application of compressive sensing to THz time-domain spectroscopy. (Top left) A terahertz pulse is incident on a sample. (Top right) The pulse is shown after traveling through the sample with a trailing oscillatory tail indicating the presence of molecular resonances. (Bottom) The resulting signal is composed of three different peaks, giving a sparse frequency-domain representation.Schematic application of compressive sensing to THz time-domain spectroscopy. (Top left) A terahertz pulse is incident on a sample. (Top right) The pulse is shown after traveling through the sample with a trailing oscillatory tail indicating the pres. Show more