Kamaal R Khan's son Faisal shared the first tweet from the actor's profile after he walked out of jail on September 8. In a series of two tweets, he sought help from Devendra Fadnavis and Bollywood actors Abhishek Bachchan and Riteish Deshmukh.
KRK aka Kamal Rashid Khan who was under arrest for his controversial tweets was granted bail on Wednesday. His son Faisal Kamaal shared two tweets from his father s official handle seeking help from Abhishek Bachchan, Ritesh Deshmukh, Devendra Fadnavis.
Controversial actor and critic Kamaal R Khan s son took to Twitter and claimed that his father s life is in danger in jail. He tagged former Maharastra CM Devendra Fadnavis, Ritesh Deshmukh and Abhishek Bachchan for help.