Gurugram Police has arrested two cab drivers and an accomplice of theirs for allegedly robbing a commuter after giving him a lift in their cab, an officer said on Tuesday. The accused revealed that they robbed the person for money to buy alcohol for a party.
According to police, the incident
Uber has accused one of its former employees of embezzling over Rs 1 crore by sneaking in fake driver profiles in the company's list of drivers, police said on Tuesday.
These profiles were linked to 18 bank accounts in which the money was transferred. The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) found the allegations prima facie true, and at its recommendation an FIR was registered against Gera at Sushant Lok Police Station on Monday
However according to law enforcement agencies, Uber alleged another of its ex-employees of misappropriating over Rs 1 crore by inputting fake motorist accounts into the industry's motorist lineup on Tuesday.
A man in Gurgaon has been charged for raping a US-based woman when she was here, forcing her to go under abortion, and threatening to upload her private pictures on social media if she did not give him Rs 50 lakh, police said on Friday.