The actress is well-known for playing Radha in Tere Mere Sapne, where she initially encountered her husband Sushant Kandaya while filming Crime Patrol. The couple tied the knot on August 1, 2017. The pair has now disclosed that they started the divorce process in December of last year. |
Some shows have the ability to become Iconic after years of being on air and these shows have produced some great actors who have gone on to do great roles in TV and films. |
The actress Ekta Tiwari, who became very popular for her role in the show "Tere Mere Sapne," recently had a small reunion with the cast. |
Actress Bhavna Rokade who is known for Crime Patrol and web series BubblePur is all set to share screen space with Ekta Tiwari and Sushant Kandya in movie Vidya |