Kriti Sanon bumped into Ankita Lokhande during Bachchhan Paandey promotions at Mumbai's Film City. For the unaware, while Sushant Singh Rajput was in a relationship with Ankita, he was once linked up with Kriti too.
Updated Jan 21, 2021 | 06:40 IST
On Sushant Singh Rajput s 35th birth anniversary, let s take a look at some emotional tributes paid by Ankita Lokhande to the Dil Bechara actor. Tributes paid by ex-girlfriend Ankita to Sushant singh rajput 
Key Highlights
His ex-girlfriend and actress Ankita Lokhande has been paying him tributes ever since
Today (January 21), it s Sushant s 35th birth anniversary
On the unfortunate day of June 14, 2020, Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away at his Bandra residence. The late actor s death case is currently being investigated by three agencies and his fans are yet to find out the truth behind his sudden demise. Since the day he passed away, his fans, family members and ex-girlfriend Ankita Lokhande have been seeking justice for him.