Workplace Disability Inclusion: Research Across the Employment Process to Date and Future Challenges with Dr. Susanne M. Bruyère Monday, April 17 12:15PM - 1:30PM | Frist Multi-Purpose Room B People with disabilities are 15% of the world’s population and yet half as likely as their nondisabled peers to be in the workforce. Many factors contribute to these disparities, such as inequitable preparation, stigma and stereotypes about people with disabilities, but also workplace policies and practices that have needlessly kept qualified people with disabilities from successfully accessing jobs. This presentation will focus on workplace inclusive policies and practices that lead to improved employment outcomes for people with disabilities, drawing from research conducted at the Cornell University ILR School Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability. Future challenges presented by COVID-19 pandemic and the move to remote work will also be discussed. Susanne M. Bruyère is professor of