TORONTO (Reuters) - The numbers of babies born with syphilis in Canada are rising at a far faster rate than recorded in the United States or Europe, an increase public health experts said is driven by increased methamphetamine use and lack of access to the public health system for Indigenous people. | 06:10am
While syphilis has made a global resurgence over the last five years, Canada is an outlier among wealthy nations in its rate of increase: 13-fold over five years.
The numbers are rising at a far faster rate than recorded in the United States or Europe, driven by increased methamphetamine use and lack of access to the public health system for Indigenous people.
The number of babies born with syphilis in Canada is rising at a far faster rate than recorded in the United States or Europe, an increase public health experts said is driven by increased methamphetamine use and lack of access to the public health system for Indigenous people.