Himself. So much commotion at the trump rally, kyung lah joins us live. You were on the scene of the protest earlier today, how bad did it get . It started out as a gathering, about 150 people, quite loud, raucous, but it was contained. What happened was when trump left, when his speaking stop, the protest spilled into the street we saw a clash between protesters and the police department. The various Police Departments were on horse back. They tried to clear the streets. They warned the protesters. This is business for them. They need to open up the streets, they need to let people in anaheim have their streets back. When they did not listen to the Police Officers, they picked off the lead protesters. We were told there were no Police Officers injured and no property damage. A lot of discussion about who the protesters are. Describe them for us. Old, young, what were they saying . Predominantly young and what we notice in looking at this crowd, 150b9 of them, it was a good mix of pred