The state blew Holtec International LLC out of the water on Monday, July 24, saying the company’s permit to dump more than one million gallons of radioactive wastewater into Cape
A low-key ceremony at the main Sandwich Fire Station on Tuesday, June 27, honored the men who helped rescue a small boy from a near-drowning in Snake Pond one year
Cape Cod’s blue economy was the focus of a two-day conference on the campus of Massachusetts Maritime Academy this week. Dozens of businesses and organizations converged at the maritime academy’s
Senators Susan L. Moran (D-Falmouth) and Julian A. Cyr (D-Truro) will serve in several leadership and committee roles as part of state Senate assignments for the 2023-2024 session, according to
The New England Aquarium announced it is filing legislation in conjunction with Senator Susan L. Moran (D-Falmouth) and other state legislators to address wide-ranging environmental and economic issues.