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Letter to the editor: Anti-trans Maine bills don’t address real threats to women in sports
To help female athletes, ‘protect us from predatory coaches, unequal funding and cultural norms belittling our participation,’ a reader says.
Thank you for your editorial against anti-trans legislation in sport (Our View, March 30). Both L.D. 926 and L.D. 1401, sponsored by Rep. MaryAnne Kinney, further disenfranchise the trans community and have no real base in sport.
The primary sponsor of L.D. 926, Rep. Beth O’Connor, says it “protects” people like me: cisgender women. Having competed in college and internationally in skiing and rowing (sports that reward “male” characteristics), transgender athletes were never from whom I ever needed protection. If our legislators want to protect female athletes, then protect us from predatory coaches, unequal funding and cultural norms belittling our participation in sport. When the Women’s Sports Foundation