Can you even we have not ended the scourge and the threat of home violent extremism. People ask me what keep you up at night. Thats thing number one. The prospect of another home grown or home born, violent extremists acquiring a weapon or a tool of Mass Violence and carrying out an attack some place here in the homeland. It cannot be quantified. It is difficult to detect and given the nature of it. In my view, what we and Homeland Security needs to do in addition to all the they thinks we are doing is to continually to remind the American People of all the things we are doing and 10 or 12 things we are doing and constantly securing our homeland but to also say to them there is a role for a public of awareness and vigilance. You cannot eliminate all risks whether it is a terror attack or a mass shooting or gun violence. We cannot end it tomorrow. We can and reduce it as much as possible, consistent with our values and laws. But, the prospect of an hbe attack is still there and we need
Regulator doesnt guarantee success when you transition to high technology. I want to follow up a little bit, if its okay . Go ahead. You go and i have a question for marla after that. All right. Sometimes its easy to blame congress on funding issues. But i also think when we started the process of next didnt gen there was a lot we didnt know. Theres been a sense we are ready to do nextgen. Its a matter of funding. As we have gone through the panels at an industry level, we recognize, boy, we need to really be careful here. We dont necessarily know. And so in some cases i think what i have heard from congress is, we would like next didngen. What do you need to make it a reality . Im not sure the faa or even the faa and industry together have always consistently arctticulat that. I dont think we have always said, if you give us an extra billion dollars, here is what we would buy, here is when we would deploy it, here is the benefits we would receive. That was particularly acute to me whe
Pennsylvania is if cheating goes on. Because i looked at erie and i was the same thing as this. And ive been all over the state and i know the state well. In fact, trump is going as far as to recruit election observer to help stop clinton from quote rigging the election. The claim comes that despite the fact that a quinnipiac poll Shows Hillary clinton up double digits. Lets talk about this with my panel, republican strategist and former adviser for the mccain campaign, Ford Oconnell and steve cortes. Good to see all of you. Because l, you first. Trump said theres in way he could lose fairly to clinton even though pennsylvania has voted democratic for the last six campaigns. How is this claim one of certainty in. Well, you know what i want to do is key in on a word that he used or a phrase that he used, which is certain areas. If you pair that with something that ben carson said interviewed yesterday, they talked about potential fraud in area of philadelphia. That says to me, an old go
Foster parents in Daviess County have a quiet partner available for their corner. An organization called Borrowed Hearts is trying to make a difference by providing foster families with a
Unelected bureaucrats in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and associated Big Brother federal agencies recently began expanding their censorship to the judiciary. The CIA and Department of Justice teamed up under the pretense of stopping "disinformation" about fraudulent elections and other speech from the right, claiming it extended into the legal system, but…