These are the best cat trees, based on reviews from pet parents and expert criteria from a veterinarian and the American Association of Feline Practitioners.
If you re a pet parent and a plant parent, you want to ensure any plants you have at home are not toxic to your cat. These are the best cat-safe plants to try.
It’s our Pets & Vets program this afternoon, and here to take your calls is Dr. Susan Sikule of the Just Cats Veterinary Clinic in Guilderland, New York and Dr. Kris Dallas of Ancient Arts Holistic Veterinary Services in Saratoga Springs. WAMC s Ray Graf hosts.
To join the conversation, give us a call at 800-348-2551 or e-mail us at
Often called the cat whisperer Dr. Sikule is a veterinarian specializing in feline care for more than 24 years. Dr. Sikule can speak to behavior, nutrition, medical and surgical care.
Dr. Dallas specializes in treatment of chronic health issues in pets, using an integrative approach with an emphasis on Chinese medicine. She earned a dcotorate in veterinary medicine from Ohio State University and specializes in veterinary acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, geriatric care and nutrition counseling.