Ältere Schüler stehen jüngeren zur Seite Erschienen am 14.07.2021 Gemeinsam gehen Elftklässler Friedrich Melzer und Chiara Fleischer aus der Klasse 7a einige Mathematikaufgaben durch. Foto: Andreas Bauer
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Von Andreas Bauer
Auf die Frage, wie Schüler ihre im Corona-Lockdown entstandenen Defizite aufholen können, hat das Zschopauer Gymnasium seine eigene Antwort gefunden. Lehrer spielen bei der Lösung des Problems kaum eine Rolle.
ottawa. their first official trip since their april wedding. a bombshell announcement in the shocking criminal case. there may not have been a crime after all. sources say that prosecutors now have serious doubts about the hotel maid who accused dominique strauss-kahn of sexually assaulting her. the accusations cost him his leadership of the international monetary fund and likely his bid to become france s next president. susan candiotti has the latest. what are the specific issues regarding her credibility right now? reporter: what a huge development this is, kyra. good morning to you. i m told by a source familiar with the case that there are at least four or five issues. one of them involves an asylum application she made coming from the united states from her native guinea. in it, she evidently says she was sexually assaulted. i m told by sources she was very believable but the facts weren t adding up and that turned out to be an outright lie in the words of the sourc