Mary Catherine Mary Kay Mason
Active Volunteer And Sang In The Church Choir For Over 40 Years Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Mary Catherine (Mary Kay) Mason
Mary Catherine (Mary Kay) Mason died peacefully on January 12, 2021, following her beloved husband Steve four and one-half months after his death. Although the death certificate may list something else, we know that Mom died of a broken heart. After all, 70 years of marriage had made them pretty inseparable, and we know that her face must have lit up in pure joy upon their reunion.
Mary Kay was the only child of Jack and Mary Vanica, born in Bellefontaine, Ohio on the memorable day of Oct. 20, 1930, making it easy to always remember her birthday. She graduated from Bellefontaine High School in 1948, and attended Bowling Green State University for two years where she met and fell in love with a handsome young sailor, also from Bellefontaine, who had returned from serving in World War II. They married in 1950, and spent