Editor: What comes first: a healthy watershed and water supply, or profits for developers? The current Humboldt Community Services District board consists primarily of contractors,.
Thank you to the editors of the North Coast Journal for last week s editorial, Truth and Reconciliation, stating the facts about the insurrection in the U.S. Capitol.
At the local and national levels, we can all benefit from the use of free speech and calling out lies. Rep. Peter Meijer, (R-Michigan) recently spoke out about the big lie of President Trump. He stated in Congress that while many of his party have argued that since millions of Americans believe the election was stolen, Congress would be justified in preventing Biden from taking the presidency. Meijer pointed out to Trump that many of the voters who believe in the false reality of his victorious election do so because they have heard it from Trump himself and his congressional supporters: That doesn t make it right. That doesn t make it accurate. It means that you lied to them, and they trusted you and they believed your lies.