Pashan open gym renovation gets PMC priority over broken street lights
Pashan open gym renovation gets PMC priority over broken street lights
ByVijay ChavanVijay Chavan / Updated: Feb 5, 2021, 06:00 IST
Residents up in arms as they were told
COVID budgetary constraints are the reason the dark patch at Sai Chowk, inviting crime and accidents, is not being fi xed; meanwhile, they say
PMC is unnecessarily refurbishing an existing public gym and wall
Citing the strain of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and all the extra measures it has demanded in containment and treatment of virusstruck patients, the
Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) had some weeks ago put all development works under its limits on the backburner. As per this move, budgetary constraints had left many works pending, with priority now seemingly being given strictly only to the maintenance of basic amenities.