The four festival days are known as Bhogi Pongal, Surya Pongal, Mattu Pongal, and Kanum Pongal. This year s four-day celebration will be held from January 15 to January 18.
Pongal is a traditional harvest celebration observed in South India, mainly in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. In northern India, the celebration is known as Makar Sankranti.
In northern India, the celebration is known as Makar Sankranti. This year s four-day celebration will be held from January 15 to January 18 and will be distinguished by a number of customs and rituals, such as the giving of milk rice to the sun deity and the well-known bull-taming sport of Jallikattu. Pongal 2023 Start Date & Full Calendar: Bhogi, Surya or Thai Pongal, Mattu Pongal and Kaanum Pongal, Know Everything About the 4-Day Long Harvest Festival.