we must act. now. let us declare our independence.tt when wele think about america, post independence, it is very little chance it will survive.ca ll washington was upset, because wee we were calling ourselves the united states, ourselves the united states, aron this leads to a call for a convention. talking about having 40 or 50 guys in this room. and you are in hot summer. and you are in hot summer. you are arguing. the framers have a newrg and radicae l idea. that is popular sovereignty. he s not going to establish a monarchy. he s going to establish a democratic republic. and it wasn t about him as an individual. it was about the office. hello, i m bret baier. welcome to mt. vernon on the banks of the potomac river. this was george washington s home. his business and his most beloved place on earth. but his dedication to his country is best measured by the time he spent away from here. his dedication is beste measuresov by the time he spent away from here