Consider this a gentle reminder that we live in a very seismically-active part of America. So far in March, there have been over 40 measurable earthquakes on the New Madrid Fault and that's OK.
Consider this a gentle reminder that we live in a very seismically-active part of America. So far in March, there have been over 40 measurable earthquakes on the New Madrid Fault and that's OK.
Consider this a gentle reminder that we live in a very seismically-active part of America. So far in March, there have been over 40 measurable earthquakes on the New Madrid Fault and that's OK.
No state in America has caves quite like those you'll find in Missouri. One of them can lay claim to being the largest cave entrance room in the United States. It's truly something to marvel at. Literally. Oh, and it was once believed to have the fountain of youth inside, too.
This will never happen. I repeat. This will NEVER happen. I'm only sharing to help you understand how powerful nuclear weapons have become. A simulation shows what would happen IF Russia decided Hannibal needed to be eliminated.