policy intellectual class in washington. wrong about everything. but they seem to be pushing this administration toward a more bellicose posture with iran and then i think toward conflict. military conflict. you don t see any evidence of that at all? am i being crazy. tie see that. i did a conference today with governor jeb bush. my view is that the iran deal, the nuclear deal, keep it, keep it in our pocket. it s not perfect. but then hit hard on iran s support for terrorism. they have seven american prisoners there including a guy named levinson. we should work on yemen, on syria, on weapons of mass destruction. what we don t want is two nuclear powers. tucker: no, we don t. i agree. north korea and iran. president should use some diplomacy. keep the nuclear agreement and work on these other issues. that s my view.
and nuclear tests. but what s the end game? what is our diplomacy? what s our negotiation. i don t think preemptive military strike is going to work. south korea has 25 million people. i think it s diplomacy and negotiation. tucker: i don t think anybody thinks that. i don t think any person thinks a preemptive military strike is a good idea. including the trump people. let me ask you a totally honest, nonpartisan question. give me the most honest question you can. do you sense that there is a bipartisan push in washington to push the president toward military conflict with the iran coming from the same people who basically made america weaker in previous generations with their dumb foreign policy ideas? do you feel that happening? no, i don t think so. you know, one good thing i will tell you, i met general kelly. i think he has brought some order into the national security team. the national security council defense. state. i was impressed with the way that he is handling. so for
them some of this excellent service that they have given to black folk since 1903 or 105 or the forming of the organization, which, by the way was formed by republicans. i mean, would very got high unemployment with blacks. that should be a complete focus for these folks, young black teens who are committing lots of crime because they don t have jobs. they don t have opportunity. they have stolen the imagination, the creativity from these young folk. and now they want to shift their focus to helping daca. it s ridiculous. other thing, tucker, they should add to the lawsuit, donald trump, the president, he should add the coconspirators of barack obama, the congressional black caucus. i call them the congressional black circus and all the cocktail sipping enablers. they are enabling this type of nonsense. the naacp if it wants to help black americans as you describe they should be focusing on teenage pregnancy. they should be focusing on education. better education. tucker, we know what
insane. speaker of the house paul ryan confidently told reporters that, quote, we have not seen any evidence of wiretapping at trump tower or on anyone within trump tower. richard burr and mark warner those are the two top senators on the senate intel committee. the justice department denied surveying trump staff as then fbi director jim comey while givin testimony befe congress. the media laughed derisively. wiretapping, come on. it s tin foil hat stuff, it s nuts. another time with more trustworthy institutes that would have been the end of the story. we live in a country with deeply corrupt institutions. turns out all those patron pepe tronnizing assurance is probably false intentionally so. according to that you report from cnn paul manafort who for a time last year trump campaign chairman was wiretapped by the federal government both before and after the election. the manafort, it ought to be
the manafort, it ought to be noted, had an apartment inside trump tower during that time so it s virtually certain that surveillance of him would have included other members of the trump campaign staff maybe trump himself in other words trump s tweet may have been right. why did the top law enforcement officer all assure us that surveillance didn t happen. that there wasn t a shred of evidence to suggest it had happened. were they lying or simply not know? neither answer is comforting. either intelligence has gone rogue officials or officials colluding with one another to lie to the public. apparently for political reasons. either way, something ominous is happening in washington last year s election terrified the. populist public. they have done everything in